This post was created by Rapport International, one of the most trusted professional translation and interpretation companies in the industry. To many people, the terms translator and interpreter have absolutely no distinction, and can be used interchangeably referring to someone who receives information in one language and changes it to another. This however, is not the case. There is a big difference between translation and interpretation, the job descriptions for these professions, and the skills they entail. Today we’ll explain some of the distinctions between the two jobs and the unique aptitudes needed for each. READ THE ARTICLE
Skills needed to provide professional quality interpreting services (guest post)
This post was created by Rapport International, one of the most trusted professional translation and interpretation companies in the industry.
What sort of professional training and skills lead to high quality in-person interpreting?
High quality interpreting goes beyond mastery of another language – a professional interpreter bridges the communication gap between two different cultures and languages. A high quality, professional interpreter is not only fluent in multiple languages, but they will also possess the following important skills and qualities. READ THE ARTICLE